Make A Donation
Your generous donations help us fulfill our core mission to help Individuals and families in Southeast Michigan experiencing temporary economic crisis due to the death or disability of the main income earner. Our goal is to assist families during times of difficult transition, for them to become self-sufficient economically.
Your Donation Will Help Create Success Stories

Mail Your Donations
To make your donation using the mail, please send all financial support payable too:
St. Joseph Family Support Organization
3605 Livernois Rd.
Troy, MI 48083

Matching Gift Programs
Many companies offer matching gift programs and are willing to match your donation dollar-for-dollar. Be sure to check with your company to see if they offer a matching gift program.

Nominate Us
Many companies offer Casual Days, Jean’s Days, Special Events and other work-place incentives that raise money to support the community. Does your company offer these incentives? If so, please consider nominating St. Joseph Family Support Organization to be the beneficiary.